Sipadi Polmed Uses GeoGebra to Solve Problems and Analyze Data

PolMed is the abbreviation of Registrasi Sipadi Polimed. It also goes by the name Pemko. Both terms are used interchangeably, but there are slight differences in their meaning. This article will explain the differences. In addition, you’ll learn about some of the engineering programs it offers. You’ll also discover that it uses GeoGebra for data analysis. Regardless of the name, Polmed is definitely worth considering for your next degree program.
Polmed is a tertiary degree program
If you’re considering a tertiary degree program in Indonesia, Sipadi Polmed is an excellent option. The university has a rich history of aviation training, and its 39 politekniks are spread throughout Indonesia and Jakarta. Its recent educational initiative, Anggota Senat Pergantianan Antar Waktu 2020, will teach Malaysian students English language skills and prepare them for participation in parliamentary elections.
Students enrolled in Sipadi Polmed can study GeoGebra, Anggota Senat Pergantian Antar 2020, and SIPADI POLMED from the comfort of their homes. The study on GeoGebra, for example, shows an average of 8567 points, compared to 52,55 in the conventional pembelajaran method. Compared to conventional pembelajaran, the results are impressive.
It offers engineering programs
Politeknik Negeri Medan, also known as POLMED, is a private technical university in Medan, Indonesia. Its campus is located in Sipadi Polmed, an expansive area surrounded by the Medan river. Several international institutes of higher learning have campuses in Medan, including the Polytechnic University of Medan. This university has a large number of foreign students.
While it may be difficult for students to determine exactly what the difference is between PolMed and Pemko, both terms have the same meaning. Students may need to fill out an RSIM form when applying to study in Indonesia. This form may be filled out online, printed from a PC, and signed electronically. The Polmed website has a link to the RSIM form. Students should be aware of all requirements before submitting their applications.
It uses GeoGebra to analyze data
This study was designed to explore the ways in which students use GeoGebra to solve problems and analyze data. Students were given two tasks to complete, Task 1 and Task 2. The problems were divided into sub-tasks, which included formulating inputs, transforming inputs to outputs, and using the output. The questions and justifications presented were analyzed based on the responses from the students. For Task 2, students primarily used the angle-measuring tool and the hide-and-reveal feature. However, students in both tasks often used the properties of linear functions.
Final Words:
GeoGebra has a variety of tools to help you study and analyze data. Students can explore linear functions by connecting x-coefficients and constant terms. The program can also draw a graph from a section graph, and allows users to make changes in the graph’s representation to observe changes in the algebraic representation. With the use of sliders, users can alter the appearance of the graph by connecting the constant term and x-coefficient to the desired values.