How to Buy and Sell Cars on Bakersfield Craigslist?

Did you know you can buy and sell cars in Bakersfield, California, through the Craigslist website? There is no need to make an appointment to buy or sell a car on the site – it is open to the public and accepts credit cards. The site is also accessible by bike, foot, and car-sharing services. You can find an automobile dealer, a car rental, or a used car dealer on Bakersfield Craigslist.
Independent State Agency
The Bakersfield Craigslist is an independent state agency that licenses and regulates nearly, every car sold in California. Its mission is to protect consumers from unlicensed contractors, and its rules for advertising are strict. All advertising must include the CSLB license number.
15 Member Board
The CSLB is comprised of a 15-member board appointed by the Governor. The board appoints the agency’s executive officer and oversees administrative policy. Its members include five contractors, one labor organization member, a city or county building official, and eight members of the public. At least one member must come from a statewide senior citizens’ organization. The agency employs about 400 people and has a headquarters office in Sacramento. It also maintains field offices throughout the state.
Senate Bill 459
The new laws include Senate Bill 459, which authorizes the Labor and Workforce Development Agency to impose fines for willful misclassification of employees as independent contractors. The law also includes Assembly Bill 1091, which requires licensees to notify CSLB of their intention to cease operations and allows 90 days for replacement. This legislation also extends the CSLB’s status as a board until January 1, 2016.
License & Regulation
In addition to license and regulation, the CSLB also conducts investigations of complaints against contractors. These investigations often result in restitution for consumers. Moreover, contractors that do not follow the guidelines set by the CSLB can have their licenses revoked.
The Bakersfield Craigslist investigates licensees for almost any slip up. Many times, the licensees are unaware of a violation until it is too late. This is why it is so important to consult with competent counsel when facing a CSLB investigation. The attorneys at Brown & Brown have extensive experience in navigating the CSLB.
Protests continued in the downtown streets of Bakersfield Saturday night as more than one hundred people gathered to demand justice for the death of George Floyd, a black man killed by a white police officer last week. The death sparked a wave of protests across the country. However, the peaceful gathering outside of the Bakersfield Police Department’s headquarters turned violent when a driver veered through the crowd. At least 10 people were arrested, and some people threw bottles and vandalized the BPD Fallen Officer Memorial.
Bakersfield Police Department Blocked
The Bakersfield Police Department blocked off H Street and Truxtun Avenue ahead of Saturday’s protest. The situation is still developing, so readers are encouraged to check back often for updates. Protesters chanted slogans and called for racial justice, but were greeted with violence from angry citizens.
Resident of Bakersfield
Carrington Prichett, a resident of Bakersfield, attended a rally to demand racial justice. He says President Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric has given racism a pass. He also says he senses racism on the street when he goes grocery shopping.
Activists say that the protests have done nothing to change the police’s policy, but the movement has been building momentum. While many activists still turn out when big events like the Breonna Taylor decision occur, it is clear that the movement is still alive and well in the town. Holiwell continues to be a passionate advocate for justice and has used the protests to teach her daughter to stand up for herself.
Final Words:
Meanwhile, the Kern County Sheriff has also been calling for more funding for law enforcement. This is a difficult issue to resolve, as there is no single driving cause for the large number of homicides that occur in Kern County. He has even said that his department is willing to spend more tax money to hire more police officers.