Sargent Major David Spc Deweese

Sargent Major David Spc Deweese was a West Virginia native who served in Afghanistan. He was a Humvee driver who was killed in action on the eastern front. He was a lifelong Yankees fan and a proud Marine. He is survived by his wife and four children.
Sargent Major David Spc Deweese
Sargent Major David Spc Deweeses’s life was cut short by a roadside bomb in Iraq. The Marines he was serving with were training Iraqi police officers when he was killed. He was a proud New York Yankees fan and loved the outdoors. In his spare time, Spc Deweese enjoyed fishing and yard work. During his service, he became a command sergeant major.
Sargent Major David Spc Deweeses was born and raised in West Virginia. He graduated from Poca High School in 1984. He served in the Persian Gulf War and Operation Iraqi Freedom and was awarded numerous awards for his service. He served in Iraq for one year, driving a Humvee and completing his enlistment as a Marine. He also loved fishing, watching football and baseball, and spending time in his yard.
DeWeese was a lifelong Marine. He served as a Humvee driver and was in charge of training Iraqi police. He was killed along with five other soldiers in his platoon. The Marines had been in Iraq for one year and were working with Iraqi police officers. DeWeese loved fishing and was a New York Yankees fan.
David Spc Deweese served his country in the Marine Corps for 43 years. He was a Humvee driver and was killed in Iraq by a roadside bomb. He loved the outdoors and played baseball and loved the New York Yankees. He was a true patriot and he will be missed by many.
Spc Deweese served his country with honor and pride. He loved the outdoors and spent his spare time with his family. He enjoyed the New York Yankees, fishing, and yard work. He died while training Iraqi police. This tragedy has further exacerbated the humanitarian crisis in Iraq. Meanwhile, the economy in Afghanistan is in ruins, with 90 percent of the population facing food insecurity.
Marine Corps veteran
SPC Deweese served in the United States Marine Corps from age 17 to 24. He was a Humvee driver and loved the outdoors. He enjoyed fishing, yard work, and the New York Yankees. Unfortunately, while serving in Iraq, he was killed by a roadside bomb. He and his platoon were training Iraqi police officers when the blast occurred. He was a lifelong Marine, and his death was the result of an unexpected accident.
SPC Deweese was born and raised in Putnam County, West Virginia. He served as a Humvee driver in Iraq for a year before being transferred to a detachment that would train Iraqi police. After his service, he enjoyed fishing, playing baseball, and spending time with his family.
Spc Deweese served in Iraq as part of the 2nd Brigade. The 2nd Brigade was headquartered in Schweinfurt, Germany, and comprised the 18th Infantry, 26th Infantry, and 77th Field Artillery. It also included the 601st Aviation Support Battalion and the 701st Main Support Battalion. While SPC Deweese was in Iraq, his unit was deployed to the Adhamiyah neighborhood where they trained Iraqi police officers.
During his service in the Marine Corps, SPC Deweese was a Humvee driver. For a year, he was part of a platoon training Iraqi police. Outside of his military career, he enjoyed fishing, playing golf, and watching the New York Yankees. After 43 years in the Marine Corps, he retired as a command sergeant major.
SPC Deweese was a West Virginia native who graduated from Poca High School in 1984. He fought in the United States Army as a Marine and the West Virginia Army National Guard. He earned many medals during his service, including the Legion of Merit. The Humvee is a light four-wheel drive military truck that was introduced in the 1970s. It is highly versatile and can easily be moved from place to place.
Humvee driver
Spc Deweese served as a Marine Corps Humvee driver for the Marine Corps for a year in Iraq. While there, he was assigned to a platoon that trained Iraqi police. Outside of work, he enjoyed fishing and the New York Yankees. He was awarded the Legion of Merit for his service.
Humvees are specialized vehicles and are widely used by military forces. The Humvee was designed for military use and is considered a lightweight vehicle. The Humvee has four-wheel drive and is able to operate on uneven terrain. His unit’s primary objective was the capture of the Meuse-Argonne sector, where the attack occurred.
During his military service, Deweese served in Iraq and received several medals. He also served in the Vietnam War, and was part of the first attack on the U.S. Embassy in that country. The Humvee is a military vehicle and has been used by the Marines to transport supplies to the front lines. Spc Deweese was drafted at 22 years old.
Before enlisting in the Marine Corps, Spc Deweese was an avid sportsman and loved the outdoors. He enjoyed fishing and baseball games. He was an avid New York Yankees fan. Unfortunately, he was killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq. He was training Iraqi police officers when he was killed, and his death will only compound the crisis there.
Humvees are light, four-wheel-drive military vehicles that were first used during the Vietnam War. They are built with water-resistant electronics and are useful for a variety of military tasks. Spc Deweese, a Marine Corps veteran, served as a Humvee driver for one year. While he was on active duty, he also enjoyed yard work and baseball. He was honored with the Noncommissioned Officer of the Year award.
Yankees fan
SPC Deweese was a Marine who served for 43 years in the U.S. Marine Corps. He was a Humvee driver and also enjoyed fishing and playing baseball. He was an avid New York Yankees fan. He also liked to spend time with his family.
Spc Deweese was born and raised in West Virginia and joined the Marine Corps at age 17. He served overseas for one year and was assigned to a platoon that trained Iraqi police officers. While he was overseas, he enjoyed fishing and watching the Yankees. He received several awards for his service, including the Legion of Merit.
After his military service, Spc Deweese retired as a Sargent Major. He spent the first year of his service in Iraq, driving a Humvee with his platoon. He also loved fishing, gardening, and the New York Yankees. Deweese remained in the Marine Corps after his retirement, and he served his country for 43 years.
Despite his military duties, he was an avid Yankees fan, and he served as a Humvee driver during his military career. He also loved the outdoors and enjoyed playing baseball and fishing. In addition to serving his country, he was awarded the Noncommissioned Officer of the Year award.
Notre Dame fan
Former SPC Deweese has a passion for Notre Dame and is a huge Notre Dame fan. While attending Ball State University, he earned his Masters and Bachelors degrees in Sports Administration. While at Ball State, he served as a Graduate Assistant for the Athletic Department and a Marketing Student Assistant. He also enjoyed golfing and watching sports.