Advantages of Cloud Based Dedicated Server

One has to deal with the different types of hosting such as dedicated server and choose one from them to kick start their business website.
Cloud hosting has blown up in the past few years for the right reasons. It is a greatly flexible and highly-performing hosting solution that suits your business needs.
Cloud hosting gives your business a unique set of features and helps in developing it. A cloud dedicated server India by a reliable server provider can host your business website today efficiently. Contact a cloud server provider to get your dedicated hosting India services today.
What is cloud hosting?
Traditional hosting services host one or more sites on a single physical server.
Cloud hosting on the other hand splits a physical server into several virtual machines called cloud servers.
With cloud hosting, you can access applications and websites using cloud resources. Here you have a network of physical and virtual cloud servers. They host your website or application and give you greater flexibility and scalability.
Since it allows you to use the resources of multiple servers, you get faster and better performance.
Let us take a look at the advantages of cloud hosting over traditional hosting.
Advantages of cloud hosting:
1. Faster website speed and better performance:
Cloud servers are amazing when it comes to website speed and performance. There is less strain on a single server’s resources since there is easier load balancing between multiple server environments.
Look for a cloud host with premium server hardware and low-density servers since the hardware can affect your site’s performance.
2. It is a cost-effective option:
With cloud server providers available to help you with setting up a server, you do not have to worry about the expenditure. You only have to spend money on the services and resources that you end up using.
This is a much cheaper option when compared to traditional hosting. In the latter, you have to spend a particular amount on the resources regardless of whether you use them.
3. Easy to scale resources:
You get to access an intuitive site management dashboard that allows you to see your site’s performance in real-time.
Scaling can be done easily through cloud hosting servers. You do not have to wait for a nod from your service provider to start scaling your resources.
With the needs of your website or application, you can easily scale up or down the resources. You can add or reduce resources like bandwidth, storage, and RAM in a cloud hosting server.
4. Backup and Disaster Recovery:
The multi-server setup in cloud hosting allows automatic data backup. This quickens the process of disaster recovery.
In traditional hosting, there is only one server that hosts your website or application. This necessitates you to make special arrangements for backup. With cloud hosting, you can save a lot of time and effort due to the multi-server setup.
5. High Uptime and Availability:
In traditional hosting, the uptime of your site would depend on the environment of the physical server. There is only one server that hosts your website and applications. If it goes offline, your site would go offline too.
Cloud hosting has a high uptime. When one server goes down, the task will be taken over by another server. This is because your site is virtually using the resources of multiple servers. Your website will be transferred to another server in case of such technical issues.
Since you can scale resources when needed, your site will not go offline due to a traffic surge.
6. Cloud hosting uses the latest technology:
You can easily customize your software applications according to the needs of your business. You can update to new software versions, server upgrades and get improved processing power. This easy process of customization and updating is not possible with traditional hosting.
7. Cloud hosting ensures a quick server setup process:
You can deploy a cloud dedicated server India setup in no time. It can be time-consuming to set up a web server with a beginner shared hosting package. You will be in trouble if you need your site online immediately and it takes forever for the server to be ready.
8. Cloud hosting is environmentally friendly:
With cloud hosting, you do not have to maintain in-house servers contributing to the reduction of an organization’s carbon footprint. Since cloud servers are used to their maximum capacity, you save energy and in turn the environment.
Bottom Line
The benefits of cloud hosting over traditional hosting are enough for you to make the shift today. The incredible ability to scale resources and the cost-efficiency that comes with flexible payment options make cloud hosting attractive.
Cloud hosting is a relatively newer technology and is the future of hosting. Therefore, regardless of all the reasons mentioned above, you will still have to move from traditional to cloud hosting.