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Greta Thunberg

Greta Thunberg is a young Swedish activist who is working to stop climate change. For her work, she is known all over the world.

Who is Greta Thunberg?

Greta Thunberg is a young Swedish activist against climate change who started a worldwide movement to fight it in 2018. Thunberg started skipping school on Fridays and protesting in front of the Swedish Parliament. She did this by handwriting the simple message “School strike for climate” on a piece of poster board. Social media has helped her actions reach millions of young people all over the world and inspire them to organize and protest.

Why Did Thunberg Started Fridays for the Future Organization?

Thunberg and other concerned young people in Europe started “Fridays for the Future” to keep putting pressure on leaders & law makers to do something about climate change. Thunberg has also been all over the world. His meeting with world leaders and speaking at gatherings to call for climate solutions and entrust to the Paris Agreement. The activist has recently been diagnosed with Asperger’s, and she has talked about it in public, calling it her “powerful nation”.

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Nobel Prize?

Greta Thunberg was recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize in March 2019. A few months later, she was named Time’s Person of the Year, making her the youngest person ever to receive this honour.

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How Did Thunberg Spend His Early Years?

Greta was born in the Swedish capital of Stockholm on January 3, 2003. He became a climate activist when she was 15 years old. He was born into a family of artists and grew up with them. His mother (Malena Ernman) is an opera singer, and Svante Thunberg, her father, is an actor. Beata, who is younger than her, is a well-known Swedish singer. Beata has been open about how hard it is for her to deal with disorders like ADHD and OCD, just like her sister.

What is Climate Activism?

Thunberg first heard about the climate crisis when she was only eight years old. Since then, she has stopped flying and gone vegan to reduce her carbon footprint. She has also tried to get her family to do the same. Thunberg has been asked to speak at rallies in Stockholm, London, and Brussels, among other places, because she is the face of the youth climate movement. In December 2018, her speech at COP24 in Katowice, Poland, for the United Nations went viral.

What Conversation is made Between Thunberg & Secretary General?

Greta Thunberg told the Secretary-General at the summit, “You are not old enough to tell it like it is.” “You leave even that burden to us children. But I don’t care if people like me or not. I care about fair climate change and the health of the planet.”

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Trip across the Atlantic to the U.S:

Thunberg was asked to speak at the UN Climate Action Summit in New York City in September 2019. She travelled across the Atlantic with her father and a support crew on a yacht with no emissions. The yacht took a little over two weeks to get to New York City. On August 28, Thunberg met with President Barack Obama. On September 18, she spoke in front of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the House Select Committee in Washington, D.C.

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Thunberg, who is known for being direct when she talks, didn’t say much in front of the committees. Instead, she pushed the latest UN report. She said, “I don’t want you to listen to me”. “Listen to what the scientists say”.

Why Thunberg Protest in New York City?

At the New York City Global Climate Strike on September 20, Thunberg walked with millions of other protesters to call for action on climate change. Four million people from all over the world joined the march, making it the biggest climate protest in history. She spoke at the UN Youth Climate Summit the next day.

Why Thunberg Gave Angry Speech at the UN Climate Action Summit?

Even though the world was already paying attention to the teen activist, her speech at the United Nations Climate Action Summit on September 21, 2019, made the front page of every newspaper in the world. Thunberg gave one of her most angry speeches in front of world leaders, lawmakers, and U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

What is the Motive of Thunberg Political Speech?

“Your empty words have taken away my dreams and my childhood. I’m one of the lucky ones, though. People are in trouble. There are deaths. “Ecosystems as a whole are falling apart,” she said. “We are at the start of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales about endless economic growth. How dare you!” She also said, “The science has been clear for more than 30 years”. How dare you keep turning away and saying you’re doing enough when the politics and solutions we need are still nowhere in sight… You’re letting us down. But young people are starting to figure out what you did wrong. The eyes of all the people who will come after you are on you. And if you choose to let us down, I want you to know that we will never forgive you”.

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Why Did Thunberg Political Speech?

A few days later, Thunberg and 15 other young climate activists filed an official complaint saying that Argentina, France, Germany, Brazil, and Turkey have broken the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child by not keeping their Paris Agreement promises.

What is the President Trump’s Response?

Thunberg’s “How Dare You” speech got so much attention that President Donald Trump, who is a strong climate change denier, felt compelled to send a mocking tweet: “She appears to be an extremely blissful little kid anticipating a brilliant and superb future “. What a nice surprise!” he wrote.

In response, Thunberg made a temporary change to her Twitter bio and used Trump’s words against him.

What is COP25?

Thunberg was one of the people who spoke at COP25, which was held in Madrid, Spain, in December 2019. She also went to another big climate protest in the city, where she told the other people there, “The hope is not inside the walls of COP25; the hope is out here with you.”

Why Did Thunberg was Nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize?

Thunberg was put forward for the Nobel Peace Prize in March 2019 for her work on climate change. But the award went to Abiy Ahmed, who is the prime minister of Ethiopia. Thunberg was named Time magazine’s Person of the Year on December 11, 2019. She was the youthful person to receive this honour at 16 years age.

How Thunberg Did Became Most Prominent Voice?

“Thunberg has become the most prominent voice on the most important problem facing the world”, the head of Time wrote. “This was the year that the climate crisis went from being in the background to being front and centre. Greta Thunberg went from being political background noise to being right at the top of the world’s agenda, and Thunberg did more than anyone else to make that happen.

What Do You Know About Thunberg Future Plans?

Thunberg is taking a year off from school to campaign for action on climate change. She plans to travel to Mexico, Canada, and South America to meet with environmental activists and see for herself the places where climate change is having the biggest impact.

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